2010/9/7 Matthias Meißer <dig...@arcor.de>

> Hi, there were no more ideas till somebody mentioned, that the voting
> process cant be repaired.
> http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/tagging/2010-August/004023.html
> Can anybody tell me why it cant be repaired or how we should manage the Map
> feature list instead to avoid a tagging chaos? :)
"voting" is not the appropriate wording. "votes" imply a list of voters and
perhaps a quorum. Some "votes" have been adopted althought only 4 or 5
people gave their opinion. Also votes can be faked (which was the case in
some very controversial proposals). If a voter disagree with the proposal,
he should explain why. If good arguments are coming on the table, then a new
cycle of discussion should be restarted. Also a vote result is never
But searching a consensus or minimum agreements (also discussions can avoid
duplicates) is always good. And the wiki is where discussions can happen
(but not only) and where the final consensus (if any) has to be documented.
Sometimes we also have to admit that no consensus is possible and let the
community the choice. A review based on statistics is possible later (e.g.
the noname proposal).
The problem is that sometimes the opinions are quite opposed by only few
actors and nobody has an idea of what the 'silent majority' is thinking. In
this case, seeing what others are thinking  on the wiki can be interresting.
But I proposed a long time ago to rename the whole process as an 'opinion
poll' and not a 'vote' for the reasons explained above.

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