One point of clarification: "mobile home", in US usage, refers to a 
prefabricated structure that, while it can be towed by a large truck, is too 
large to be towed by an ordinary car or most (perhaps all) pickup trucks.  Many 
of them are mobile only during the initial installation, and never move again 
for the life of the structure.  They are derived from, but considerably larger 
than, the camping trailers designed to be towed behind an ordinary vehicle 
(what, in British terms, would be a caravan).  In recent years, "manufactured 
homes" have also been developed.  These are structures that look more like a 
conventional house, made of two or three sections the width of mobile homes, so 
that they can be transported over roadways.  The sections are then placed on a 
shared foundation, joined together, and never move again.

-------Original Email-------
Subject :Re: [Tagging] landuse=single family houses/apartments
Date  :Wed Sep 08 04:13:30 America/Chicago 2010

2010/9/8 Erik Johansson <>:

> But wikipedia is very vague on this subject so I think it's pretty
> hard to be able to get good terminology.

have a look here:

I posted this already. It is not vague, it is unstructured. As I said above:
The usual building types for residential houses are:
- single house (detached house)
- semi-detached house (duplex)
- terraced house
- apartment building (block of flats) / condominium

public housing is not about typology, mobile home probably is, but I
don't know what sense there is to tag it, as it has no "place" (it is

Again: these are types for houses as mentioned above. They are not
types of urban structure (but may imply the latter according to local

There are also mixed use houses, in Germany we call this "Wohn- und
Geschäftshaus", which is "residential and commercial building". And
last there are also special cases like the experiments of Le
which were intended to be small cities in one building and they have
shops in the middle (7th and 8th floor AFAIR).


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