On 07/10/2010 01:03, Elena ``of Valhalla'' wrote:
On 2010-10-06 at 21:20:08 +0200, Colin Smale wrote:
Some places but not all...At least in NL you are not allowed to turn
left or make a U-turn across a solid centre line, nor are you allowed to
cross the line to overtake anything at all.
It's the same in Italy, but you can overtake if you are an ambulance
or another emergency vehicle, so I believe it is worth to keep
the different tagging.
I am not sure which "different tagging" you are referring to exactly.. Emergency vehicles usually have a blanket exemption from many traffic laws, often only when they are using their blue flashing lights and sirens. They can do pretty much anything anytime (as long as it is safe) if it's an emergency. I don't see the point in tagging that separately. This is a good example of where it would be useful to see the difference between a physical barrier and a continuous line. Having said that, sometimes they have dedicated bits of road with signs like "no entry except for emergency vehicles" - I think these will be tagged access=no emergency=yes.

Different jurisdictions have different definitions of "emergency" and "emergency vehicle" - that would be a whole different discussion. In the UK an ambulance driver was prosecuted for exceeding the speed limit while carrying live organs for transplant between one hospital and another. I think he was acquitted in the end, but it caused a lot of debate.

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