Hi Sam,

Seems like some great work.  I'm relatively new to contributing to OSM so
pardon what may be some ignorant questions that I have.

1. How does the spreadsheet fit in with the current process of managing Map
Features (RFC Draft, Proposal, Vote, etc)?

2. How will new users to OSM find this google spreadsheet?

3. Did you use any scripts/code to parse the source datasets?  If so, do you
plan to open source them? github etc.

4. You cover a lot of information about this in email and the wiki, do you
plan to consolidate it all in the wiki?

5. Are there are current/planned users of the SchemaTroll standard?



On Tue, Oct 5, 2010 at 08:58, Sam Vekemans <acrosscanadatra...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi All,
> I'm happy to report that i have now (finally) converted the OSM Map
> Features page  into a Google Docs spreadsheet
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Map_Features
> The Spreadsheet is now live and available for edits.
> https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Am70fsptsPF2dGZBb3FfWHlhWTVBTGZ5ZV81LVFSMkE&hl=en
> The idea behind it is to organize all of the map features, in a format
> that can be used more easily, and make it similar to all of the of Map
> Feature PDF catelogues that i am looking at from data sets around the
> world.
> So now you can easily sort the chart, and find where the errors are,
> and spot where their are inconsistancies.
> The purpose is so the end user would not need to go to any other page
> to find map features as it should all be listed on the same wiki page.
> For each key, i have set a space for the key=*description row, so then
> the actual key can be clearly defined, with the values below.
> And where it's needed, there is space to include a rendering (doesnt
> have to be mapnik, just any render that supports it, so the user can
> know how that tag could look like.   Even a view on the garmin device
> would be good to see.
> Also, the purpose of the SchemaTroll 2.01 project, is so that it will
> be able to work across multiple databases and datasets
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/SchemaTroll_2.01#SchemaTroll_2.01
> For CommonMap, i have an IRC chat #CommonMap on oftc.net  where we can
> discuss tagging also.   As this map is using CC-BY where the data can
> and is welcome to be used by OpenStreetMap, as well as anyone else who
> wants it.
> So the aim is to be taking other map features examples into account,
> and helping to make the OSM Wiki a standard which is 'Common' to many
> maps,
> ... and as was mentioned earlier, there is no point in deviating from
> the map feature system, when it is already very very good
> I hope to have the other charts available within the next month, and
> make it detailed, so it's easy to begin the cross-referencing process.
> But 1st, the Map Features page needs to become more clear, with all of
> the definitions and descriptions filled in, as well as pictures and
> rendering samples (which in many cases) are already on the linking
> page, it just hasn't been transfered.
> So (for example)   Johen's database system is welcome to use the from
> this chart to get pictures and rendering samples, and descriptions
> http://blog.jochentopf.com/2010-10-05-introducing-taginfo.html
> I dont plan on doing major edits, and will just be editing the chart
> live on the GoogleDocs spreadsheet.
> Cheers,
> Sam
> ---
> Across Canada Trails - Beyond 2017 - The National Trails Network
> Victoria, BC Canada
> Twitter: @Acrosscanada
> Blog: http://acrosscanadatrails.posterous.com/
> Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/sam.vekemans
> Skype: 'Sam Vekemans'
> IRC: irc://irc.oftc.net #osm-ca Canadian OSM channel (an open chat room)
> IRC: irc://irc.oftc.net #CommonMap The Common Map channel (an open chat
> room)
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