On 21/10/2010 22:29, Sean Horgan wrote:
The definition of such a tag/key that is so common the database (3+% according to taginfo: http://taginfo.openstreetmap.de/keys/amenity), needs more than a single line definition.

I see nothing wrong with the vast majority of the usages of amenity.

The reason it's "so common" is because people want to use it & it works.

Many users don't appreciate the differences between the key tag & the value tag.

As long as the meanings of the value tags don't overlap I don't see much of a problem.

If the key tag does need distinguishing then it can be done with sub tags.

I think time would be better spent changing key tags that are subjective adjectives (historic,natural, man-made etc.) to nouns.

& getting rid of the power tag altogether.

Dave F.

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