Hi Alan,

I believe that the value of the amenity key should in some way describe what
it provides, e.g. cafe, fuel.

Is the Chamber of Commerce a private organization?  What amenity would you
say it provides?

Maybe you could propose amenity=lobby or amenity=advocacy and then use


On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 17:00, Alan Mintz
> wrote:

> In most cities in the US, and even some smaller towns, there's an
> organization called the Chamber of Commerce. With varying participation from
> municipal government, it's a portal for new businesses to come to for help
> and information, networking with other business owners, representing
> businesses in addressing the city, sometimes informal arbitration, etc.
> There are only a handful of existing tags with the name "[Cc]hamber [oO]f
> [Cc]ommerce", with no consistent tagging.
> Any objection to amenity=chamber_of_commerce ?
> --
> Alan Mintz <alan_mintz+...@earthlink.net>
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