On 12/15/10 5:59 PM, Steve Bennett wrote:
On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 9:54 AM, Dave F.<dave...@madasafish.com>  wrote:
Personally I'd go for landuse=bus_depot. but I'm open to suggestions.
So landuse=* is going to be the new dumping ground? :) I had thought
landuse=* was for general categories, like "there is industrial
activity in this area" without picking out a particular item.

Could we break out into a new top level tag: transport=depot,
depot=bus?  (Because presumably we also want tram depots, etc etc.)
transportation departments have depots for highway maintenence
school districts have bus depots
there are commercial bus depots as well, and
public transit bus depots.

maybe transport is ok, but let's make sure we enumerate the choices
so we're reasonably complete.


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