This sounds like it might be similar to the "minicab" in the UK. They are licensed differently from taxis and are only permitted to operate on a "pre-booked" basis, i.e. you can't just stop one on the street but you have to phone or go to the office to make a "reservation". They are not allowed to approach you, you have to approach them. Sometimes they are referred to as "private hire" vehicles (although always with driver).

Tagwatch seems to know about one single example of amenity=Minicab Office in the UK and I can't find anything else which covers it.

If you think the concepts are similar enough, and sticking to the UK-centric terminology tradition, "amenity=minicab_office" might be a good candidate.


On 17/12/2010 13:21, Diego Woitasen wrote:
  I started to contribute to OSM a few weeks a ago. I have question. In
Argentina we have an special car service (I think this exists in other
countries, but I'm not sure) called "remis" o "remisse". It's similar
to taxis but the cars (with drivers) wait always in the agency o remis
stop (You can't take them on any place like the Taxis).

  I haven't found a tag that matches with this. Should I create a new
tag?. Or there is already a tag that I can use.


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