Hi all,

[crossposting from tagging]

On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 4:12 PM, M∡rtin Koppenhoefer
<dieterdre...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2011/6/3 Josh Doe <j...@joshdoe.com>:
>> I would use highway=steps on the steps, and highway=footway for the
>> walk along the water.
> Yes, but probably not on the ladder that gives you access to (or from)
> the water. I'd tag this on a node (the alternative would be to draw a
> way with 2 nodes, set layer-tags to the nodes and move one above the
> other which does not really make sense unless you continue somehow on
> the lower end with some highway).
> What about highway=ladder on a node? There is already 10 uses in taginfo ;-)

I went with that. 11 usages is momentum in my book. I used a
highway=footway to connect the ladder to the footway, which I find
less than elegant.

Another thing, I remembered about adding machine tags to flickr photos
(like osm:way=12345) which links photo to OSM object. I wonder if
there's an easier way to do that (for example through a JOSM
plugin)..? This may be off-topic here, I'll cross-post to talk.
martijn van exel

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