On Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 8:23 AM, Anthony <o...@inbox.org> wrote:
> Besides, the fact that someone made a mistake back in 2007 is not a
> good reason to make a similar mistake today.  There's no good reason
> to replace hyphens with underscores.

There are plenty of good reasons. The fact that many people seem to
like the hyphen variant means that replacing hyphens with underscores
is not a crazy idea. Plus, we don't have to remember whether a value
has an underscore or a hyphen.

Our tagging system (at least for formal values) generally uses English
words, but the syntax is not English grammar. Anyone with an good
programming background would immediately recognize how the formal keys
and values have been constructed: lowercase letters and with
underscores and using colons to provide a "namespace". Almost all
programming languages do not allow hyphens in names of variables,
functions, objects, and other identifiers (because the hyphens will be
mistaken for the subtraction operator). While we don't really do
programming with our tags, adopting the naming conventions of
programmers makes things predictable and consistent.

That's the reason why we have cuisine=japanese and
denomination=roman_catholic instead of cuisine=Japanese and
denomination=Roman Catholic.

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