this is the page with the proposal:

Just look at this picture:

There are peaks that can be tagged properly (although it's technically
possible to deduct them with some accuracy from elevation maps), but
between them there are ridges, the top edges of the mountains. Those are
not peaks, they descend from or ascend to another peak. And a ridge is an
important object. For instance, if peaks are like this:

    ^   ^

    ^   ^

it's important to know where the ridges and valleys are between them
(rivers may be absent), and in which direction you can go.

Here's an example of bad tagging that happens now:
(many place=locality with 1 letter in the name)

(from here: http://osm.org/go/x@Rrrnwy- )

Dmitri Lebedev   http://stroyki.ryba4.com   skype:siberianoNsk

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