At 2012-04-21 23:36, Paul Johnson wrote:
On Apr 21, 2012 2:29 PM, "Eugene Alvin Villar" <> wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 21, 2012 at 7:30 AM, Paul Johnson <> wrote:
> > On Apr 20, 2012 9:04 AM, "Alan Mintz" <> wrote:
> >> I would go with name:en-PH=* or name:en:PH=* to mimic the standard IETF
> >> language tag format.
> >
> > en-PH feels more correct, since it's specifying dialect in a standard
> > format.
> This seems workable. But I don't think that these differing names that
> are proper nouns can be considered as a difference in dialect.

Well, dialect in the sense that the two countries call the same thing by two differing names in the same language.

So your concern is that using en-PH implies that it's a dialectical variant and not a country- or culture-related variant. I would suggest this is a minor difference that should be solved by documentation. There _is_ the potential that there would be different cultural groups within the same country that refer to an area by different names in the same language (in e.g. central Asia), so perhaps the format might be extended to language_code[-COUNTRY_CODE[-culture]]. Culture values could be standardized and documented by local mappers, or not.

This seems better than the old loc_name, int_name, etc. format, which always seemed too subjective and limited.

Alan Mintz <>

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