At 2012-05-17 16:30, Paul Johnson wrote:
On May 17, 2012 3:22 PM, "Nathan Edgars II" <> wrote:
> I'd like to propose a page that basically says that just because a tag is named X, that does not mean that something should be tagged as such only if it meets the real-world definition of X.

This would only confuse things worse than they already are.  This is a bad idea outright.

The idea, taken in a vacuum without knowledge of personalities, seems correct. There are many more examples, like highway=* things that are not highways. I don't think we need a page for it, but it should be somewhere in beginners documentation that the key and any non-name values may not be exact matches (or maybe even "wrong") in your local usage and language.

Editors like JOSM already have different, more correct names in the presets menu for some of the tags, and the ability is there (as someone from Indonesia pointed out) to create your own presets (or have them created for you) and name them whatever you want. Other editors have limited and/or hierarchical tagging with icons that accomplish the same thing.

Alan Mintz <>

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