2012/10/2 Andrew Errington <erringt...@gmail.com>:
> How should I tag this?  It is a trail marker on a hiking trail in Korea.
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/User:Geochang_scribe#What.27s_this.3F
> There are several of them, at various points on each trail.  The purpose is to
> indicate where you are on the trail, and also when requesting help due to
> accidents or other incidents to report your location to rescuers.
> It's probably related to tourism=information, information=guidepost,

+1, I don't understand why it is not the same (plus some emergency
information). It is more guidepost than trailblaze I'd say (add some
subtag to distinguish it from other guideposts, e.g. a tag about the
shape). It might also be a highway=milestone as someone suggested
(hard to judge if you don't understand the stuff written on it).


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