Hi John!

I like the problem that you proposed ;)

I'm thinking in a very hard condition...
I propose different solutions:

   1. First, you must evaluate the obstacles. Probably one will be better
   for pass. For example, the heap permites the pass to pedestrians but the
   hole is difficult to cross it. More landslides could be occured. In this
   case I propose to use:
      - NODE or WAY with tags:
   - obstacle=hole
         - obstacle:bicycle=heap
         - hazard_prone=yes
         - hazard_type=landslide
         - (optionally) obstacle_description: Landslide with heaps and
         holes, and more landslides risk.
      2. Other option (not the best) would be use two nodes (In this
   example, I use the generic «obstacle», that represents impediment for
   pedestrians). The nodes must be over the highway, therefore one will be
   first and the other last:
      - 1st NODE with tags:
         - obstacle=hole
      - 2n NODE with tags:
         - obstacle=heap
      - Chunk of way affected:
         - hazard_prone=yes
         - hazard_type=landslide
      3. Other option (the bad, for me) could be:
      - NODE or WAY with tags:
         - obstacle=yes
         - obstacle_description= Landslide with heaps and holes, and more
         landslides risk.
         - hazard_prone=yes
         - hazard_type=landslide

If there isn't risk of more landslides, you must omit the «hazard» tags.

If only there is risk of landslide that not occured, there aren't objective
obstacles in the trail, only a warning. In this case, I propose to use:

   - NODE or WAY with the tags:
      - hazard_prone=yes
      - hazard_type=landslide

I hope I have answered your question ;)
Thanks and regards!

PD: This mail will be sticked to the discussion page.


2012/10/14 John F. Eldredge <j...@jfeldredge.com>

> Would the same landslide tag be used both where part of the hill above the
> road had slid into the road, and where part of the road had slid downhill,
> leaving a hole?
> Also, how would you tag a point where cracks had started to appear, but
> the full-scale landslide hadn't happened yet?
> --
> John F. Eldredge --  j...@jfeldredge.com
> "Reserve your right to think, for even to think wrongly is better than not
> to think at all." -- Hypatia of Alexandria
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