2012/10/24 Simone Saviolo <simone.savi...@gmail.com>:
> I agree, but a speed "camera" is not actually a camera.

-1, it is, and it is combined with a device to measure the speed of the vehicle.

> I hoped it would be
> possible to differentiate between an actual video camera (whose capture is
> processed to detect plate numbers), an RFID detector, a radio Doppler
> measurement, a magnetic strip, and so on.

These are details that might be of interest to someone, but mostly
what is relevant to who uses the map is _what_ is measured (e.g.
access, speed) and not how (laser, radio doppler, ...), so I'd put the
latter into a subtag if you want to store this info. Another attribute
could be whether this is a video camera or a photo camera (also a
detail, and maybe not clear from only looking at the device?). At
least in the older days speed cams often were/are analogue photo
cameras, while I guess that the newer ones will be digital cameras
(=able to do video recording, digital upload to a server, ...).


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