> Hi Rob,
> Am Sonntag, 25. November 2012, 23:40:04 schrieb Rob Nickerson:
>> In the UK I've spotted that some maximum weight road signs have just the
>> weight limit on the sign, whilst others also include a picture of a HGV.
>> I've only realised this difference recently and have not had time to
>> research the legal side of things but the brief description on the
>> Department for Transports website suggests the sign with the HGV only
>> applies to that type of vehicle. If this is indeed the case, can we
>> simply
>> use the following (as appropriate):
> And this is not the case. A brief look at
> http://www.direct.gov.uk/prod_consum_dg/groups/dg_digitalassets/@dg/@en/documents/digitalasset/dg_070644.pdf
> (first page, lower right corner) suggests that this sign is not about
> weight, but about gross weight. So maxweight:hgv is wrong.
> Eckhart

One sign (with the picture of the lorry) talks about "goods vehicles", the
other (top-left of next page with "Weak Bridge") refers to "vehicles". I
expect that a bus is not classed as a goods vehicle even though it weighs
typically 10-15T. Same for (army) tanks etc - I don't expect these to be
classed as goods vehicles.


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