The English/Scottish word for it is "bothy". But it might be better to use
something a bit more internationally-intelligible.

On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 8:16 AM, Volker Schmidt <> wrote:

> What about:
> amenity=shelter
> historic=alpine_hut
> ruins=yes (if appropriate)
> Volker
> (Padova, Italy)
> On 27 March 2013 05:16, Steve Bennett <> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>>   Just wondering how best to tag the historic "alpine" huts we have in
>> the mountains of southeast Australia. Some basic properties:
>> - usually fully enclosed (4 walls and a roof) although not necessarily
>> weatherproof
>> - usually have fireplaces
>> - sometimes in good enough condition to sleep in (bring your own
>> mattress and bedding)
>> - primarily of historical interest, rather than for accommodation.
>> That is, you might have lunch in the hut, or camp next to it - you
>> wouldn't hike without a tent and plan to sleep in the huts. (They
>> often have rodent and/or snake inhabitants...)
>> - could possibly be completely uninhabitable or ruined. (Hiking maps
>> here typically don't make much distinction, they might say "Smith Hut
>> (ruins)")
>> - typically built between 1850 and say 1920 by stockmen (cattle farmers).
>> - only maintained for their heritage value - no one improves them,
>> there's no hut warden or anything.
>> Is this just an Australian thing? tourism=basic_hut seems like the
>> closest, but still promises accommodation. I think most Australians
>> would know what to expect, but there are frequent stories of unhappy
>> Europeans expecting hot meals in the middle of nowhere...
>> An example of a hut I visited on the weekend, Kelly Hut near Licola.
>> Rough wooden walls, corrugated iron roof, stone chimney, dirt floor.
>> There's a very rough sleeping platform (no mattresses), no table or
>> chairs. The door is a sheet of corrugated iron. I'd have lunch in
>> there, especially on a cold day, but I wouldn't sleep in there unless
>> desperate.
>> Steve
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