On 2013-03-26 15:41, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote :
2013/3/26 André Pirard <a.pirard.pa...@gmail.com <mailto:a.pirard.pa...@gmail.com> >


    I dig this because of the similar problem with different story and

    This is the gate in a one-way school service road
    where parents drive and drop or pick the kids.
    Very wisely, the administration has painted what is better called
    a /*passage pour piétons* / than a /*pedestrian crossing* /
    because it does not *cross* a road but goes *along* on one half of
    it (it crosses the main road and the children continue to walk on
    it up to the gate (mark)).

    Unfortunately, the only OSM vision of a pedestrian crossing is a
    single node restricting it to be perpendicular to the road.

as you described it above it isn't a crossing, because nothing is crossed, right? So maybe crossing might not be the right tag. That said there are currently 6955 ways tagged with the tag crossing=*, admittedly much less than nodes (367635), but still it is quite possible to map like this.

Indeed, as I said, passage would have seemed less odd than crossing, but we won't change that key. A crossing(=*) is my way of thinking of one too; I have always wondered why OSM calls it a highway. But Osmose just flagged as errors bicycle=yes alone. It wanted us to add network=bicycle.
The reason was that both appear together more than 50 times!!!
So, I think crossing=* would be booked again for contravening people's habits.

On 2013-03-26 16:16, Nathan Edgars II wrote :
* *|      |--------------------****
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(in fixed width, use HTML or reconfigure your text mode :-)

On 2013-03-26 15:53, Volker Schmidt wrote :
I would map this as e dedicated footway connected to the zebra crossing on the main street.
You mean a separate highway, don't you?
It allows highway=* and that is something having been tried now.
But Osmose is scolding because I have a way tagged like one of its nodes!!!
Osmose is always hiding and jumping from behind a bush ;-)
Furthermore, security wise, I prefer to make it clear that it's a single road.

On 2013-03-27 09:23, Martin Vonwald wrote :
2013/3/27 Tobias Knerr <o...@tobias-knerr.de>:
footway=sidewalk is not documented used as an add-on tag to
highway=whatever, but for sidewalks which are mapped as separate ways.
In this case, a separate way seems quite clearly not a good choice,
considering that there is no physical separation whatsoever.
For sidewalks as add-on tags to the main highway, we commonly use
sidewalk=left/right/both/no. So I would suggest sidewalk=right, plus
sidewalk:right=lane in analogy to the existing cycleway:right=lane.
I was just about to write the same. The key sidewalk is used over
260,000 times, the least used sidewalk=left is still used over 13,000
times. So you can expect some support there.  The suggested
sidewalk:right=lane isn't used right now but certainly makes sense and
is in line with cycleway, as Tobias already pointed out.
So a clear +1 from me to sidewalk=left/right/both + sidewalk:xxx=lane .
I think I'll have to do as if it's not a Z crossing but a side lane.
BTW, drivers exiting (on the right) have to stop on the Z crossing, which is forbidden.
They could at least have painted it on the left side!!!


Thanks for your help.


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