
On 06/29/13 07:37, Bryce Nesbitt wrote:
This is a proposal to fill a hole in the life cycle concepts (that of
facilities /intended/ to be operational):
I have drawn from the HOT tagging, and from the experience mapping
drinking fountain status with wetap:status

I have no strong opinion on the general idea but one thing sticks out: "operational_status=operating".

Obviously, this should be the default assumption. If there's a toilet mapped then I assume that it is working.

I understand how you'd like mappers to reaffirm that it is *indeed* working by setting "operational_status=operating", but this takes you way into the terrain of "verification mapping" which is a larger topic - what you're suggesting really only makes sense if one can assume that a mapper passing by a working toilet would make sure it is tagged operational_status=operating and then update the operational_status:date to the current date. (If you do not expect this behaviour then you wouldn't need operational_status:date because it would simply be the date when the tag has been last changed.)

This leads to a situation where a mapper is expected to, as he or she walks the streets, update every object in the database with "yep, this is still there, I walked past it right now". Because just as a toilet could fall into disrepair, a shop could close or a house vanish, and what we currently do is we map this when we see it but we don't map "yep the house was still there last Sunday". Attempting to do this would change the typical mapper workflow and the structure of our data drastically.

I know it's a slippery slope argument, and you're only proposing to do this for a narrow subset of things - I just wanted to point out that "verification mapping" is not something we do currently.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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