Am 23.07.2013 07:38, schrieb amrit karmacharya:
> Over the last several months, we have mapped all the schools and health 
> facility buildings here in Kathmandu, Nepal visiting the ground with 
> GPS-enabled devices. This data will primarily be used in earthquake 
> vulnerability assessment
> We are now trying to upload these information in OSM. When we check at the 
> OSM wikis, we find tags do not already exist for all our data. For example, 
> tags do not exist for building structure type, column size, seismic 
> resistance, bays. We have developed our own tagging guidelines for these and 
> other data. We would like these tags to be reviewed by the community so that 
> we can post it in the wiki. This will help to maintain an international 
> standard while tagging these data.
> Attached ia a file which lists the k-v pairs we will use. it is structures 
> like a preset format.

Would you please document this on the wiki. Thanks.

I do not find the key operator nor social_facility. Do you know about
these keys ?


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