Places devoted for general reuse of things are uncommon where I live in the
U.S., so I do not know if there is a consensus term for them. I have seen
"reuse and recycle facility" or "reuse and recycle center" used a number of
times. These places accept things and materials and separate them into
items purposed for reuse and those for recycling. The term "reuse shelf" is
sometimes used for the area at these facilities that the public may go to
to get reuse items for free. Since the area may or may not have shelves, I
assume "reuse shelf" must have some general meaning to be paired with such
areas. Items may be one or more of books, household items, sports
equipment, paint, building materials or other items depending on the

Places for just reuse are very scarce, as most people would bring such
items to a donation center such as Good Will where reusable items are
resold or use Craig's List.

For books specifically, the term "free library" has been used as can be
seen in this news article:
 The article has references to the "Little Free Library" movement
has over 5000 locations mapped (using google maps and a registration fee to
be mapped). "Little Free Library" is a registered trademark so can not be
used.  Although used in this and other news articles I've seen, I think
"free library" is easily misunderstood and the intention may be lending
rather than swapping or reuse.

It may be useful to differentiate between a policy of lending, swapping, or
"free to take" by such places.

As for the term used in OSM, reuse seems to be understood whereas I don't
think tradeoff would be. If one must specifically leave something to get
something, "swap" is commonly used in the U.S.

+1 for the idea of leveraging the existing OSM recycle tagging -- perhaps
by reuse :-) .

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