It has units in the sense that expressing the slope in percentage will give a 
different number than expressing it in degrees, for any value other than zero 
(completely level).  For example, a 45° slope is the same thing as a 50% slope.

ael <> wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 11, 2013 at 08:38:49PM +0200, fly wrote:
> > Hey
> > 
> > In the wiki [1] it is written that the default unit for "incline=*"
> is
> > "%". Still I find almost non values without a unit with taginfo [2].
> > 
> > Well, should we suggest to always use a unit or do we need to take
> care
> > that at least presets do not suggest to add the default unit ?
> Well, it is a dimensionless quantity, so it doesn't have "units".
> What did you really mean?
> ael
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