
I'm still puzzled about the "right" value to introduce (or to use as it

Additionnaly to power=tower/pole, 2 main solutions sound good to me :

1 - Introduce brand new values man_made=power_tower/power_pole and start
using them without any tower:type=* subcategories.
+ New tags, not so many confilcts with existing features.
+ No additional tags to add, self contained class inside
- Specific power tags, worst reusability.

2 - Using man_made=tower/mast + tower:type=power.
+ Common tags, no new values, no additional semantic cluttering
- Need to be qualified with tower:type, is this really a problem ?

Both have advantages and disadvantages.
The "same" question was asked earlier this day about telecom networks. It
would be great if a common solution can be found.

For example :

* Power :

* Telecommunications

Thank you for your comments.


*François Lacombe*

francois dot lacombe At telecom-bretagne dot eu

2013/8/18 François Lacombe <francois.laco...@telecom-bretagne.eu>

> Hi,
> Power transmission refinement proposal have been updated with new values
> for man_made=*.
> No deprecation for power=* values.
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Power_transmission_refinement
> More info on Talk.
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Talk:Proposed_features/Power_transmission_refinement#Power_vs_man_made_for_towers_and_poles
> I hope this alternative will receive more positive opinion than before.
> Have a nice day.
> *François Lacombe*
> francois dot lacombe At telecom-bretagne dot eu
> http://www.infos-reseaux.com
> 2013/8/17 François Lacombe <francois.laco...@telecom-bretagne.eu>
>> I totally agree with Janko.
>> A meta-tagging model will allow more agility when tag a replaced or
>> deprecated.
>> *François Lacombe*
>> francois dot lacombe At telecom-bretagne dot eu
>> http://www.infos-reseaux.com
>> 2013/8/17 Janko Mihelić <jan...@gmail.com>
>>>  I agree with the reasoning behind man_made=pole, but the semantic
>>> infrastructure behind osm is not yet strong enough. I think a second layer
>>> should be there, a semantic model which says what certain key-values
>>> actually mean, and which could be easily changed. The renderers could then
>>> be bound to that model, not the rugged key-values.
>>> Janko
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