There's the question of tagging the services available:

   - law enforcement / search and rescue
   - interpretive exhibits
   - maps
   - permits
   - entrance fee payment
   - museum
   - naturalist contact

And a *separate* question of appropriate rendering.

It is typical on paper maps to see more than one symbol type used,
e.g.   [image:
Inline image 1] and [image: Inline image 2].
With the house under flag used for the official comprehensive information
stations, and the (i) symbol used for things as insubstantial as a sign
The iconography of the flag over the house implies (and means on NPS maps)
this is an "official" building of the landowner, as opposed to
a brochure rack claiming to be tourist information.  In the USA
you'd upstand that to be an American flag.  In Canada, a maple leaf flag.

Ranger Station has a specific well defined meaning for the a variety of
USA government agencies: National Park Service, Forest Service, Fish and
Wildlife, etc.
It is commonly used by state parks as well,there are thousands of them.
 The term is used by private natural area landholders also, such as the
Nature Conservancy.
The government agencies all use the standardized [image: Inline image 1] icon,
and that reason alone is one to consider mimicking the symbol.

I think the generic version of the concept is "official visitor contact
outpost of the landowner". Perhaps:

information=office (a dedicated office one can visit, that's the official
representative of a region, attraction, or protected area) [image: Inline
image 5]  .
information=ranger_station (a specific type of information office for
specific natural areas) [image: Inline image 1]
information=yes (tourist information as part of another amenity such as a
shop) [image: Inline image 2]
information=board (a static sign board one can view, but not expect to find
human contact at) [image: Inline image 2]
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