Lukas Hornby wrote:

In particular defnition seems to be key and I can confirm my definition is from a British perspective.

Which is fine, because OSM uses British English names for things except in rare cases.

Community garden is different in definition, both here and in the US (and elsewhere) but a useful comparison, as the ethos and values are usually similar.

In addition to the UK I've seen allotments in other places in Europe, but not in the US - does the concept even exist over there?

In order to see what other mappers have done, I'd be tempted to use taginfo <>. From you can use "Overpass Turbo" (the steering wheel to the right of the JOSM link) to search for examples of that tag in a particular area. Once you found them, you may see how they've been subdivided.

Another possibity would be to ask on the IRC channel #osm-gb - from memory I think a couple of people there may have allotments, or possibly on the talk-gb list, where you might get more people familiar with the idea.

Generally the OSM approach is "map all the things!" rather than "map some of the things, making sure that everything is categorised absolutely correctly". That's not without its problems (as pointed out in the "lack of concensus <>" thread) but allowing people to add stuff local to them without necessarily worrying about "correct" tagging has got OSM to where it is now.

It may well be that almost no-one has mapped allotment plots before**, which may mean that you get to pick some scheme that works for you. It'll almost certainly mean that there's no existing map that renders the data that you're interested in, so you'll get the chance to create that too.



** Actually, a quick search finds this wiki page <>, so I'd probably start by asking some of the people mentioned there (mostly in the West Mids of England, I think).

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