2013/10/9 Tobias <cra_klinr...@gmx.de>

> Do you have any suggestions for the tagging?

this is a topic discussed several times in precedence, you can find
discussions here and also on talk-de (your email suggests you understand
German). Basically our data model is not very suited to tag large areas,
and these topographic areas tend to not have sharp borders, so they would
IMHO request a new datatype.

I might be a better idea to start a parallel project (e.g. with shapefiles
in a more adequate scale), e.g. starting with natural earths physical
dataset and adding translations and refinements. This dataset could be
crowdsourced and distributed in a license compatible with osm in order to
make them mixable.

For tagging within osm the logical namespace would be under the "natural"
key IMHO.

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