
Before creating anything on wiki, let's try to summarize quickly what have
been said above.

Unfortunately, I can't find the Australian discussion dealing with telecom
And telecom=* is merely used in France, man_made=MDF in Germany...

Central office (US) and Telephone exchange (UK) both imply a PSTN switch
hosted in the building, which is not always the case. Local loops nodes can
be located remote from the switch.
As I want to map local loops connection nodes prior to specialized PSTN
switches, I will need a better term than telecom=central_office.
It's corresponding to what Florian Lohoff called a MDF previously. It
sounds good : such connection nodes always have a main distribution frame

Since OSM have massively imported buildings, mapping such features would be
great if we are tagging existing buildings without trying to give
additional indoor details.
But currently, many technologies are rolled out to improve existing local
loops : fiber, copper and coax. A same building can host all those
different types inside.

May we keep *man_made=MDF* or introduce* telecom=connection_node* for
building where those lines are terminating regardless of technology,
regardless of switch hosting too ? I'm in favor of a telecommunication tags
*connection_node=** would be optionally here to give details about
technologies if known. (e.g *connection_node=copper;fiber*)
We need a telecom=* tag here since building=* is concerning the whole
building and telecom=* isn't. Try to imagine a big office building with a
small central office inside... which is actually the case here :

Knowing that, we could optionally introduce
*telecom=connection_point*later for cabinets we can encounter in the
street. Which are components of
local loops, usually installed to split cables and lines to customers.
*telecom=connection_point* is established with the BT/Openreach (UK)
terminology : PCP standing for Primary Connection Point

References for all those functional points must be setup locally since
operators aren't using the same terminology.
CLLI in US, 42C in France, ONKZ/ASB in Germany...

I won't deal with services offered on local loops here.
DSL, Telephone, TV are services
DSLAM, switches, routers are devices which offer services inside buildings.
That's information which is hard to keep up to date. Information about
building must be needed first.

Looking forward to your feedbacks, cheers.

*François Lacombe*

francois dot lacombe At telecom-bretagne dot eu
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