Martin Koppenhoefer <> wrote:
> 2013/11/29 nounours <>
> > completly agree that all cameras should share a common tagging!
> >
> why? Can you expand on this? What have CCTV and a webcam in common?
> >
> > BUT:
> >
> > 1) man_made does not make any sense for a camera - ifnot, we should
> also
> > tag highways, restaurants and buildings as "man_made".
> >
> what is the logics behind this? We use man_made for technical
> installations/facilities/structures/devices, a camera is a technical
> device, restaurants aren't (maybe the kitchen would qualify),
> "buildings"
> aren't (but could have technical facilities to make them work),
> highways
> aren't. I do not insist in using man_made for cameras, but IMHO they
> would
> fit (like a crane, a chimney, a water_well, etc.).
> cheers,
> Martin
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You can see that a camera is present, whether or not the video feed from that 
camera is publicly available.  The owner of a particular camera may not choose 
to disclose what is done with the imagery.  "Webcam" versus "closed circuit 
television" describe two different technologies for transmitting the imagery, 
not whether the imagery is publicly accessible.

John F. Eldredge --
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that."
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
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