On 2013-12-05 12:16, SomeoneElse wrote :
> Axelos wrote:
>> I proposed the tag shop=military_surplus for the shops selling used
>> military equipment.
>> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Military_surplus
>> my english is limited ...
We did not notice ("limited").

> If you think that it makes sense to tag a particular shop that way
> just go ahead and use it.  You can use any tags you like.  Taginfo can
> see 9 others so far:
> http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/search?q=military+surplus#values
> You can also have a look in taginfo for other possible "shop values"
> that might apply - it could be that one of those is used by people
> instead of "military_surplus".
Great, but my everlasting question remains: how do we tag a shop that's
selling several kinds of goods if In general *avoid ';' separated values
whenever possible*. Don't use them in your mapping, and don't propose
them on the wiki if there are better ways of representing things
What are those "better ways" for shops? Really splitting them into
several ones?



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