Btw, Matthijs, a Brazilian user (one of the most interested in this
matter) just informed me that Garmin has a PC program called Mapsource
that paints unpaved roads with dashed outlines, just as you suggested.

On Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 10:00 PM, Fernando Trebien
<> wrote:
> Maybe, or maybe not. Routers may adjust routing decisions for each
> surface type. Asphalt and sett could be "paved" for rendering, but for
> routing there may be a preference towards asphalt roads. Here in
> Brazil, taking this into account when computing routes would greatly
> improve route quality within cities outside main ways (in secondaries,
> tertiaries, etc.). A smarter router could even change this preference
> based on weather conditions (under rain, sett gets considerably
> slippery, and dirt would be far less preferable than compacted).
> [Such a smart router probably doesn't exist yet, but with OSM data, it
> can. OSRM has everything to allow such fine tuning.]
> On Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 8:09 PM, Pieren <> wrote:
>> On Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 8:54 PM, Fernando Trebien
>> <> wrote:
>>> Listing 1: way count of paved ways
>> :
>> :
>>> Listing 2: way count of unpaved ways
>> :
>> :
>> Finally, we just need a "paved" and "unpaved" value for "surface".
>> This combined with tracktype would be far enough and simple for
>> everyone.
>> Pieren
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> Fernando Trebien
> +55 (51) 9962-5409
> "The speed of computer chips doubles every 18 months." (Moore's law)
> "The speed of software halves every 18 months." (Gates' law)

Fernando Trebien
+55 (51) 9962-5409

"The speed of computer chips doubles every 18 months." (Moore's law)
"The speed of software halves every 18 months." (Gates' law)

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