2014/1/3 Janko Mihelić <jan...@gmail.com>

> We have a tag for this, it's smoothness:
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:smoothness
> I am for a combination of surface and surface tags.


A problem I see with smoothness is not what it tries to describe, but the
actual values used to do so. The supposed meaning of "smoothness=bad"
really depends on what you expect to be "good" and "bad" , and this depends
on your own means of transport (e.g. if you ride a racing bike, you won't
be very interested in the fine differentiations on all the less smooth
roads you generally can't ride on, and for a SUV the fine details of
different asphalts important for a skater won't matter or even be
recognizable when driving on them).
In the current scale, unlike what you might expect, "bad" is more on the
good than on the bad side as it is better than  "very_bad", "horrible",
"very_horrible", "impassable". The descriptions on the smoothness page,
i.e. "thin_rollers", "thin_wheels", "wheels", "robust_wheels",
"high_clearance", "off_road_wheels", "specialized_off_road_wheels", "No
wheeled vehicle" are easier to understand and more suitable to get
consistent tagging than values like "bad", "very_bad", "horrible",

In general you should have (when tagging = in the editor (presets)) the
whole scale from good to bad in front of you in order to judge well which
value to assign.

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