How surprisingly similar the landscape in this area is to the place
where I live in Brazil. (If you're curious:,-51.066213&spn=0.013942,0.047979&t=m&hnear=Porto+Alegre,+Rio+Grande+do+Sul,+Brasil&z=15&layer=c&cbll=-30.228942,-51.066222&panoid=Usk3Tqr5RIfjqj4KVzlz7Q&cbp=11,325.39,,0,7.66).

Anyway, back to your place. I believe you'd call this a dirt road
leading into a private property:,-116.720207,3a,75y,160.59h,81.43t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sH5Ez46TUHWIetR4uLSCy0Q!2e0

Would you describe this surface as "earth"? Or maybe "compacted"?

I think "sand" would usually mean fluffy sand, such as in beach sand,
like here:,-49.729185&spn=0.014065,0.047979&t=m&z=15&layer=c&cbll=-29.347303,-49.729198&panoid=nxCzohwftvM2H6wO89EJng&cbp=11,182.99,,0,3.15

Here's a road in Brazil that probably fits the American definition of

However, the surface here is "compacted" according to official
sources. It's hard to tell visually, but it's possible that the
mixture has been compressed.

This is what I believe would be described as "earth" but not
"compacted" (also from official sources):,+Brasil&hl=pt-BR&ie=UTF8&ll=-24.223158,-52.403901&spn=0.470893,1.535339&sll=-22.231586,-42.793808&sspn=0.265046,0.383835&oq=campo+mour%C3%A3o&doflg=ptk&hnear=Campo+Mour%C3%A3o+-+Paran%C3%A1,+Brasil&t=m&z=10&layer=c&cbll=-24.223158,-52.403901&panoid=0ClYdUrcz7I5OEaTGYF2hw&cbp=11,183.99,,0,4.89

I wonder if you'd call this "dirt" too. The distinction is quite
relevant for calculation of routes: you can't travel as fast on earth
as can on compacted, and earth is much more likely to turn into sticky
mud that may get you bogged.

Finding a gravel road here was harder than I thought it would be. I
could only get this photo:

It turns out that most preparations that include "some gravel" but
mostly "soil" here fit the definition of "compacted" quite closely.

I think that "earth" and "soil" are similar enough to stay only with
"earth" - but I'm not a native speaker.

I also wonder which names the British would give to each of these surfaces.

On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 8:58 PM, johnw <> wrote:
> On Mar 15, 2014, at 5:05 AM, Fernando Trebien <>
> wrote:
> Well, any information you add does help. If you could use something
> more specific than "dirt" ("gravel" is more precise, for instance)
> Not when the road is dirt as opposed to gravel.
> I live on a gravel road in Japan. My aunt lived on a dirt road in the US.
> She has since improved the road, and now it is a gravel road.
> This is the area around my aunt's house. Many of the driveways that were
> once dirt are now gravel or paved, due to new fire truck access laws.
> So most people have a gravel/asphalt/concrete driveway. but their property,
> and the backcountry of dry california is littered with dirt access roads
> that thread out into the countryside.
> Zoom in.  Drop into street view, though the dirt roads are hard to see from
> the street. There are plenty of concrete, asphalt, and gravel driveways, but
> there are also a ton of grade 2 "graded" and grade3 "doubletrack" dirt
> access roads.
> Not gravel, fine gravel, sand, asphalt, pavers, concrete, clay,
> cobblestones, grass pavers, clay, nor tephra - but dirt.
> Some kinds of roads are truly "dirt roads," just as some are sand.
> The question is:
> Do you use "dirt" "earthen" or "soil" to describe them? I vote for dirt.
> gravel is not an option.
> Javbw
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