On Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 11:03:50PM -0700, Bryce Nesbitt wrote:
> How best should I tag informal swimming areas?  These typically have no
> lifeguard or facilities. An example deep-content site for these types of
> holes is:
> http://www.iforgotthename.com/
> In OSM is it best to create an area and tag
> sport=swimming/name=xxxx/access=/fee=no?
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:sport%3Dswimming

I see lots of potenital improvement for the tagging of swimming:
* swimmable areas in lakes, oceans
* swimming routes
* hazards
* beachfront access, water entry
* some water holes are just for dipping, not really swimming

Do not know how to best do it other than sport=swimming is not suitable
for most of it.


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