2014-05-15 10:00 GMT+01:00 Jean-Marc Liotier <j...@liotier.org>:
> Well... Private messages tell me that boules might be popular outside of
> France, so here is a translation for a more international debate...
> According to http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:sport%3Dboules a
> petanque pitch (leisure=pitch) is:
> sport=boules
> boules=petanque
> (375 nodes, 75 ways - http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/3op)
> But according to http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/FR:Key:sport it is:
> sport=boules
> type=petanque
> (607 nodes, 111 ways - http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/3oo)
> Any opinions on a future harmonization of the tagging of boules game types ?

"type" is far too vague - it doesn't namespace at all, so it doesn't
make it definite if it's a type of boules, a type of pitch, etc. The
english wiki says, and I concur, Key:type "should be avoided":
Much better to standardise on the "chaining" approach i.e. "boules=*"
(or "boules:type=*" would have been another possibility in a parallel
universe). Luckily, the number of petanque objects is small enough
that it's possible to harmonise, so long as the nations can agree :)

Just my 2p

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