2014-07-02 18:32 GMT+02:00 John Packer <john.pack...@gmail.com>:

> An airport is a special kind of aerodrome, and I think it is poorly
> documented on the wiki how to tag it.

>From previous discussions I think I remember that it isn't clear what an
"airport" is. Most if not all our "aerodromes" are probably airports, and
also the helipads are probably airports according to the wikipedia
definition of airport.

> Looking at taginfo, it becomes clear that international aerodromes can be
> tagged with aerodrome=international. I assume most (if not all)
> international aerodromes are public airports.

What does an airport make "international"? If there once has flewn an
aircraft into another country? Or must there be a scheduled flight into
another country? Or a certain amount of such scheduled flights?

> Private aerodromes (common inside some farms in Brazil) would be
> aerodrome=private, and military aerodromes would be aerodrome=military. So
> far so good.

is "private" about the ownership? Have a look at Fraport AG, the operator
of Frankfurt Airport (biggest German airport) and traded at Frankfurt Stock
Exchange. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fraport  it is both, publicly and
privately owned (majority is public ownership currently), would the
Frankfurt Airport become private in OSM if the government decided to sell a
bigger share of it?

Previous discussions ended up with the conclusion that it would be better
to have the details mapped (e.g. number and size/shape of runways,
encompassing polygon (!) for the airport itself) so that you could
elaborate this information to estimate the importance. Unfortunately it
seems quite expensive to do this on the fly, hence the missing progress in
airport rendering at low zoom scales so far. That's why I agree with you
that some basic tags could help the renderer (e.g. osm-carto) to achieve
better rendering.

Even a very simple metric (airports bigger than x and mapped as an area)
might already improve the current rendering situation.

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