2014-07-05 14:02 GMT+02:00 sabas88 <saba...@gmail.com>:

> For port proposal and voting page see
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/landuse%3Dport

In this case there is hardly a definition, it is "hidden"  under a
"differences between harbour and port" but there is no clear definition and
description how to structure such a facility in OSM. Please also consider
extending the abbreviations like "roro" (roll-on_roll-off), "bulk"
(bulk_terminal), etc.

I am not sure that "port" is nice as landuse value (it is quite specific,
even more when adding the subtag "port:category"), I would rather see these
as man_made values.

Usage of two classification systems (port:type and port:category), both
with generic names, might also lead to confusion. I'd try to be more
specific with the tag-denominators, e.g. the "port:category" (if I got it
right you are proposing to split the port into several smaller areas, each
with the tags landuse=port and port:category=* ?) could become distinct
man_made (or amenity) tags like man_made=quarantine_station rather than
landuse=port and port:category=quarantine.

> For intermodal terminal proposal and voting page see
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Intermodal_Terminal

There is not definition whatsoever on this page, only a "rationale" and two
links to external sites (

   - http://www.intermodal-terminals.eu/content/e15/index_eng.html
   - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intermodal_freight_transport


Links to external sites are bad as reference, because they might not be
stable/permanent, i.e. they might change, get restructured, split, etc.
Please copy the essence / relevant parts to your proposal so we have a
definition in our wiki what this is about.

Please add a definition what this tag should be used for, and what are the
criteria for a intermodal terminal to be a such.


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