Thanks for the comments. I'll play it fair. I've just sent an email to the
person that changed it even though I find it hard to believe that the next
sentence was something many mappers would agree on.
*"Usage in cities*

*Barcelona <> and London
<> also uses this tag for similar
and practical reasons: in London, the Great West Road
<> in London is
among a number of trunk roads where it is practically better to use a
designated cycleway, because of a high speed limit on the main carriageway
(40 mph or 64 km/h). "*

I'm also thinking of adding a list of countries that do and do not have
compulsory cycleways. That should hopefully make things clearer.



2014-08-19 23:29 GMT+02:00 fly <>:

> Am 19.08.2014 10:38, schrieb Frederik Ramm:
> > Hi,
> >
> > On 08/19/2014 09:04 AM, Pee Wee wrote:
> >> Sure I could send an email to the person that changed this but what do
> >> you think is the best way to deal with this changing wiki pages? Or
> >> should I just accept that these things happen and change it back and
> >> send an email?
> >
> > Well you should certainly *first* find out the motivation behind the
> > change and *then* think about whether it needs reverting (instead of
> > first reverting and then asking).
> Yeah, always play fair, but keep in mind that the edit should have been
> discussed priorly, too. This way, reverting and then discussing about
> changes seems to me the right way, otherwise the wrong description is
> even longer available.
> > The wiki is a living documentation and not a dead archive of past
> > discussions. It is quite possible that the use of "bicycle=use_sidepath"
> > has changed, or is changing, and of course we'd like the wiki to
> > properly document current practice.
> This tag is not old enough to have changed already and only for certain
> situation in countries with compulsory cycleways.
> cu fly
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