Am 24.08.2014 13:20, schrieb Lukas Sommer:
> Hello everyone.
> In some countries (Japan, Korea…), people orient themselves in the local
> area using the names of road junctions or traffic signals rather then
> the names of streets.
> I have documented the current tagging practice for simple junctions at
> the following new wiki pages:
> Furthermore, some more text has been added here:
> Feedback and/or corrections are welcome.
> The current tagging practice works well for simple junctions, but makes
> problems on complex junctions. Therefore, the proposal
> has been created. Particularly if you are mapping in one of the
> concerned countries please participate at the discussion at

Nice summary. Thanks

Did you have a look at the three existing proposals about complex
junctions ?
All are linked under:

Note, that in Germany micromapping is mapping highway=traffic_sign +
crossing=traffic_sign/* on a node at the crossing and not at the
intersection node. I even have found highway=traffic_signal at the road
marking and another highway=crossing for the pedestrian crossing both in
advance of the intersection node.

Personally, I did start to add direction=* to traffic_signals for only
one direction.

Cheers fly

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