> Il giorno 18/set/2014, alle ore 08:53, Andreas Labres 
> <al+tagg...@openstreetmap.at> ha scritto:
> Meadow IMO means there is some usage taken from the grass/hay (Weide,
> Futterwiese,...).

yes sure, not all areas with grass on them are meadows

> I use landuse=grass in urban areas (Grünstreifen am Straßenrand), for grass
> areas that are not a garden but there usage is just to have a 
> (nicht-versiegelte
> Fläche; whatever that means in English) green spot there. Another usage: eine
> Böschung (whatever that means in English? batter?).

wouldn't these be better tagged with "road" or "highway" as landuse values? 
Typically they are part of the road. You could add landcover/surface=grass

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