On 14/10/2014, Pieren <pier...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Third mistake : It is not strictly reserved for "notable" people and
> can be used to name all graves in a cemetery (which might be forbiden
> in some countries). Privacy is never mentionned. To solve this, you
> could enforce a link to wikipedia because they are already an
> "encyclopedia" and check people notability
> (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Notability_%28people%29). And
> once you create a link to wikipedia (or wikidata), you don't need the
> relation anymore-

I'm wondering about this argument. How does maping information that
publicly available (names on tombstones) constitute a privacy breach ?
In many (most ?) countries, the birth and death registers are publicly
available in the local public office. Genealogists trade data files on
the internet as if they were TV series. If there's a law in some
country preventing that kind of information-gathering, I feel it's
standing on pretty thin ground.

The noteworthyness issue is independant of the privacy question. And
as said in another mail, I don't think that only noteworty tombs
should be mapped. If OSM can route me from the townhall to my house,
it should also route me from Princess Diana's tomb to my

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