2014-10-26 21:38 GMT+01:00 Christoph Hormann <chris_horm...@gmx.de>:

> Specific arguments aside - i am not sure if you realize the consequences
> it would have if subareas of oceans would generally be mapped as
> polygons - large bays usually contain smaller bays and are parts of a
> sea and there might be a strait between an island and the coast within
> that bay.  If you want to edit the coastline in such situation you
> would end up having to deal with a handful of convoluted multipolygon
> relations, some of them of colossal size.

yes, you'd end up with nested multipolygons, some of the huge (the latter
might become a problem). On the other hand it is clear that nodes don't
convey any of the hirarchy or size information and hence are a poor
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