Further, it is a 3-letter acronym which could mean different things.
Acronyms are generally not suitable for OSM, oops, Openstreetmap.

François Lacombe wrote on 2014-11-19 11:53:

I've recently noticed that man_made=MDF has been added to man_made template on 
Map Features page.

This key's page say this tag status is De Facto.

I strongly discourage the use of MDF as a man_made feature since it's only a 
functional component of a telco central office.
According to picture, it's usually a large metal grid where public copper 
landlines are connected to equipments which provide services.

Mappers won't be able to see MDFs unless they get in central offices building 
which may be difficult.

I suggest to don't add such tags to Map Feature prior to deeply refine telecom 
tagging scheme.

All the best

*François Lacombe*

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