Well, you don’t need it for routing purposes (if bicycle=use_sidepath is used 
in a certain way). But there are cases where you want do render “compulsory” 
and “optional” cycle ways in a different ways (e.g. dark blue and light blue). 
But in order to do that you need the information. Either as bicycle=obligatory 
or obligatory=yes/no, or … .

Right now, I also have to tag traffic_sign=* and another information if that 
specific way is adjacent to a road.





From: Martin Vonwald [mailto:imagic....@gmail.com] 
Sent: Montag, 22. Dezember 2014 15:17
To: Tag discussion, strategy and related tools
Subject: Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (Obligatory vs., optional 




2014-12-22 14:50 GMT+01:00 Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com>:

I think the only need for 'obligatory cycleway' is to remove bicyclist from 
certain roads! e.g.

I'm bicycling north to south.. there is an obligatory cycleway 1000 kms west of 
me ..
Do I have to use it? No. Totally unreasonable.
Or is it only obligatory for the adjacent road? Yes. In which case the road can 
be tagged bicycle=no ...


No. If - for example - you need to turn left on the next crossing and the 
adjacent cycleway is separated from the main road so that it is not possible to 
turn left from the cycleway, you are allowed to switch to the main road and 
drive on it in order to turn left. So bicycle=no is never correct in such 

Best regards,


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