First of all my compliments for seeking the opinions of the tagging mailing
list and your effort to improve OSM.

Here are my 2 cents

1 Why does OSM need to distinguish between obligatory and optional cycle

As a cyclist myself I can see some reasons why it could be useful for
routers and/or renderers. I think the proposal would improve if this was
explained a little further. (add some use cases for example)

2 Obligatory/optional for who?

When I see these words I think of means of transportation rather than types
of “highways”. In NL a cycleway can be obligatory for : bicycles, mopeds,
mofas, pedestrians. So when I see cycleway=obligatory I wonder for whom?

3 Legislation varies country to country and is not clear to all mappers.

During the discussions on the bicycle=use_sidepath  tag I noticed that the
word “compulsory/obligatory” has a different meaning in different
countries. Also many people (including mappers) don’t know exactly what the
difference is between optional and obligatory cycle ways.

4 Is the “traffic_sign=* “  an alternative?

In many counties the difference between the 2 types derives from traffic
signs. In NL we have 3 types of traffic signs for cycle ways. 1 is optional
and the other 2 are obligatory (for ordinary bicycles). On this map in my
can see the differences between the 3. (please wait for overpass query to



2014-12-22 2:20 GMT+01:00 Ulrich Lamm <>:

> Hi all,
> I've written a proposal for the tags cycleway=obligatory and
> cycleway=optional.
> Now I hope for your comments.
> Ulrich
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> Tagging mailing list

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