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2015-01-09 12:12 GMT+00:00 Dave F. <>:
> On 01/01/2015 00:39, Tom Hughes wrote:
>> On 01/01/15 00:36, Dave F. wrote:
>>> I'm struggling to comprehend how a button to turn off the notes layer,
>>> that's separate (& hidden!) from the only obvious button to turn the
>>> layer on can be described as 'logical' to an experienced user let alone
>>> a newbie..
>> Well the problem is that what you see as a "button to turn on the notes
>> layer" is what I see as a "button to add a new note" ;-) That button was
>> intended to encode the "add a note" action, not the "view notes" action.
> OK, but however you perceive it, it still activates the 'view notes'.
> Although it adds clarity to do so, it's not essential to the 'add a note'
> function.
>> If I just wanted to view existing notes I wouldn't use that button, I
>> would open the layer switcher and turn on the notes layer.
> On a scale of 1 to 10, how obvious do you think that is to the user?
>>>> The problem with turning off the notes layer again when the add note
>>>> control is disabled is that it might already have been on before you
>>>> started adding a note, so we would probably have to remember if we had
>>>> turned it on or if it was already on .
>>>> Trying to figure out what to do if somebody starts toggling the notes
>>>> layers on and off manually while the add note control is active just
>>>> introduces even more levels of complication...
>>> By 'we' do you mean the programmers? I hope not. It's not that
>>> complicated! on/off, yes/no, 0/1 binary! It's the DNA of computers!
>> No I'm not saying the programming is necessary complicated, I'm saying
>> it's hard to know what the correct behaviour is from a UX point of view.
> I don't really see it as that confusing:
> I don't think the 'add note' button needs to turn on the 'view notes', but
> lets assume it does:
> * The 'add note' button turns both the add & view layers on & should them
> off again, except if 'view' was previously turned on via hidden option under
> Layers. Then it should leave 'view' on.
> * If 'view' is turned off via the Layers menu while 'add' is visible, turn
> 'view' off as it not directly linked or strictly needed to add a note.
> Cheers
> Dave F.
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