On 11.01.2015 11:37, Janko Mihelić wrote:

Dana 11. 1. 2015. 10:22 osoba "Andreas Goss" <andi...@t-online.de <mailto:andi...@t-online.de>> napisala je:
> I feel like this would be so much simpler if the amenity tag was not limited to vending_machines.
> In Germany everything is just called "Automat".
> - cigarettes => Zigarettenautomat
> - parcel => Paketautomat (Well, not the most common word)
> - emty bottles => Leergutautomat
> And then you could just combine it with vending=, service=, recycling=, return= etc.

I think German would be better as a default tagging language, it's perfect with its word combinations :)

I like the original proposal, but not so much the reverse_vending_machine phrase. Did you make that up or is it used somewhere? I'd like something like refund_machine.

I know several shops that have employees that take your bottles and give you a cupon. That could be service:refund=yes plus all the other tags.

Unfortunately I did not make this up :) In the OP I provided two links, one to the English Wikipedia article and one to Wiki Commons with pictures of different styles of RVMs. I, too, would feel more comfortable with the term "refund". However, I do not know how widespread the term "reverse vending machine" is. On the other hand, in the wiki we would describe it both ways, just to make sure everyone finds it, and knows what is meant.

Just for clarity: If there would be a common term, like in German, how would we denote the other options mentioned in the OP, such as operator, operator limitation, limit to marked refundable items? The latter was the reason why I thought the commonly used tags for recycling (e.g. glass bottle, plastic bottle) are not a good idea, because the refundable items are a subset of those. It would be nice *not* to mix those up, just to make the automatic data retrieval and querying easier. (Although I don't know how that would look like, this is an intuition.)


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