On 15.01.2015 23:10, Tobias Knerr wrote:
> I feel this is far too generic. Imagine a renderer which wants to show
> names of lakes at zoom 12, cliff formations at zoom 14, and cave systems
> at zoom 16. If all these are simply a type=cluster + name=*, then that
> becomes difficult. There needs to be a clear indication of what type of
> feature we are dealing with, not just a name.

In order to display a name, the renderer needs to know a position. In order
to calculate a position, it needs to iterate through the relation members.
While iterating, it can sum up their types and counts. Say, if two mampers
are lakes, five are natural=cliff, and one is a cave, the natural=cliff
members make up the majority, and the cluster can be handled as a cluster of
cliffs, thus rendered at zoom level 14 and higher.

Another idea is to propagate the name to the members and then treat each
member individually.

Of course any ot these algorithms only works when it is implemented, but
this not too difficult. If the algorithm is not implemented, nothing evil
happens. The name is just invisible, as is already right now without the

Friedrich K. Volkmann       http://www.volki.at/
Adr.: Davidgasse 76-80/14/10, 1100 Wien, Austria

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