Am 22.01.2015 um 16:22 schrieb moltonel 3x Combo:
> On 22/01/2015, althio <> wrote:
>> Existing pages: value "e-cigarette" is referenced in the wiki.

Well the first page should be under proposal and it should not be listed
under shop or if only under some proposal paragraph

> Using "-" instead of "_" goes against a very established tagging practice.

already answered

> The wiki page is very recent with only two contributors. I wouldn't be
> surprised if "e-cigarette" in the db was also contributed by no more
> than 1-2 mappers. I suggest contacting them to make sure that they are
> ok with "e_cigarette", and then make the change to wiki and db.


Is it really to much typing to use electronic_cigarettes ?

Anyway, I do not know a single shop in my area which only sells them so
shop=* will never fit.

cu fly

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