Am 22.01.2015 um 21:32 schrieb Tod Fitch:
> I've been following this and the addrN thread with a mixture of amusement and 
> irritation.
> Lots of the arguments come down to how easy it is to parse using some tool or 
> another. Or whether the problem the original poster was trying to address 
> actually exists.
> With respect objects that have multiple values for a key, the arguments seem 
> to come down to either:
> 1. key=value1;value2;. . . ,valueN
> 2. key:value1=yes + key:value2=yes + . . . + key:valueN=yes
> As a programmer I can parse either set using any number of different methods.
> I am not against using a ":' in the key string to create name spaces and for 
> grouping related keys. I think that is a very useful construct.
> But from a purely logical point of view, I'd say the second way misses the 
> concept of "key=value" and is using "key:value" with a noise suffix of 
> "=yes". Typically missing keys should be treated as having a value of either 
> "no" or "unknown". Unless you can show me where key:value1="is something 
> other than yes" then I may suspect you of putting values into the key field 
> of the data.
> Might I suggest that a convention for keys that may contain multiple values 
> that the ":" delimiter be used in the key but rather than putting arbitrary 
> (data) values after the colon, use an numeric index:
> key:1=value1
> key:2=value2
> key:3=value3

No not at all, this makes it worse. Numbers are way to general and you
gain little.

: is usualy used for subkeys so key1, key2 would even be better.


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